The value of prep !

As many of my friends know, I am now cooking almost exclusively the OPOS way. OPOS (One Pot One Shot) is this revolutionary way of cooking that has been developed by Rama Krishnan (of the one-page cookbook fame) which ensures that making food is not a drudgery and you can actually eat fresh, healthy, home … Read more

Do You Hate Your Boss?

I never had to hate any of my bosses over almost three decades of my work in organisations. But I definitely did not like some of them for some of their actions and inactions, prejudice, unfairness, micromanaging including editing my emails, lying, using paid time for personal/family work, and the list can go on..

Survey after survey, done globally and locally, have consistently highlighted the correlation between levels of employee engagement and the relationship between the boss and the employee. We have all heard that employee joins the organisation but leaves because of the boss. 

If you hate your boss but don’t know what to do or evaluating your options, please click on the link below for an excellent article on the subject:

Do You Hate Your Boss?

Be More Successful: New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Do It

All of us want to be more successful. I do want to be. Is there anyone who doesn’t want to be? And for many of us to be more successful means to be happier or just stay happy. How are success and happiness related? Am happy to share what the new Harvard Research has to reveal on the subject:

Be More Successful: New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Do It

Enjoy. It’s very interesting. 

The many shades of blue !

Since its a Monday morning and all my friends working in the corporate world will be dressed in some shade of blue I wanted to share my “Monday” dressing too to keep them company. Ok, will share my kinda white too in another post … The American corporate world’s “power dressing” has unfortunately influenced the … Read more