Knowing the right people – priceless :)

Gurpreet was part of the second batch of customer service colleagues that I had hired way back in 2004. She has learnt, adapted and has built a great career for herself in Aon Hewitt. The reason am talking about her, is because last week after nearly two years she got me her famous cake from Ludhiana :).

Now the story is, that for three years Gurpreet terrorised me by sitting right in front of my desk. Everyday in between calls, I got advise for many things and was told what I should or shouldn’t do. So I had to find a way to get something in return and her first leave application gave me the idea for the right payment plan !! Gurpreet took leave and came back with this awesome tea cake from Ludhiana. Since then every time that she wanted leave, she would get it as long as I got the cake and the tradition continued long after I stopped sanctioning leave for her and she moved onto other teams.

The week before last we met again in a training session and Gurpreet willingly offered to get me the cake as she was going to Ludhiana again. Thanks to her, I enjoyed that cake nearly all of last week. Even Maya’s daughter, who had come visiting, loved it. Maya is a former team member from the Dellnuts team and a different organization.

The first few years of setting up customer service were so much fun and struggle together and people like Gurpreet, Ruhi, Jayant, Anupam, Nandita, (late) Venu, Rianna, Abhishek, Somnath, Sarika, Sushmita, Dilip and so many others made up the fun part of it. Thanks for bringing back some awesome memories Gurpreet 🙂


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