Book Review – Rearming Hinduism

This book’s title is misleading. It’s not about violently establishing Hinduism or taking up arms to defend it. Vamsee Juluri is a professor and brings data through his research rather than just his opinions to argue his case. This is a difficult book to read.. It’s almost like sitting in a lecture with Google on … Read more

48 hour days and 4 day weekends

Are you smiling ? And chuckling that I have finally lost it? Hmmm Shalini must be saying that she has successfully transferred her Friday madness to me. My friend Shalini’s madness starts taking over from Wednesday onwards and progressively becomes unmanageable by Friday :):) And its good, I enjoy it. I just wish she could … Read more

Passion, Purpose or what you are good at ?

Yesterday I had written about stress – You got Stress ? :):) and my dear friend Usha commented rightly on Linkedin that if you don’t identify your passion rightly then following it may lead to more stress !! Now that made me think about this whole set of buzzwords “Passion”, “Purpose”, “innate skill” etc. Especially “purpose” is … Read more